Detailed search for your lake

This database contains the most current toxicity data available. All instances of values above the recreational guidelines are kept as up to date as possible, but values below the guidelines may be somewhat delayed in entry.Since there is a lag time from the date of sample to the date of analysis, be sure to check the sample date when looking at data or before you use the lake. Remember to use caution and avoid scums. "When in doubt, stay out!"

Your local jurisdiction may have more specific information about your lake. Questions? Contact toxicalgae at Department of Ecology.

If a lake is not listed, it has not been tested for toxic algae through the Ecology program.

The pins on the map represent the center of small lakes, regardless of where the sample was taken. To find more precise location information, download the toxin data and click the "view scum info" link. That is where specific sampling location information will be if it was provided. On larger lakes, (such as Lake Washington, Moses Lake and Potholes) pins represent the location of the sample if provided.

CountyWRIA NumberSiteCollect DateParameterToxin Conc. (µg/L)MDL (µg/L)Above State GuidelineAdditional InformationSample LocationEcology Tracking Number
Whitman35Snake River09/03/2024Anatoxin-a<MDL0.010NoNoCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_24_250
Whitman35Snake River09/03/2024Microcystin0.4000.150NoNoCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_24_250
Whitman35Snake River08/26/2024Anatoxin-a<MDL0.010NoNoIllia DunesSNAKWHIT662_24_215
Whitman35Snake River08/26/2024Anatoxin-a<MDL0.010NoNoCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_24_216
Whitman35Snake River08/26/2024Cylindrospermopsin<MDL0.050NoNoCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_24_216
Whitman35Snake River08/26/2024Cylindrospermopsin<MDL0.050NoNoIllia DunesSNAKWHIT662_24_215
Whitman35Snake River08/26/2024Microcystin<MDL0.150NoNoIllia DunesSNAKWHIT662_24_215
Whitman35Snake River08/26/2024Microcystin22.4000.150YesNoCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_24_216
Whitman35Snake River08/26/2024Saxitoxin0.0230.020NoNoCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_24_216
Whitman35Snake River08/26/2024Saxitoxin<MDL0.020NoNoIllia DunesSNAKWHIT662_24_215
Whitman35Snake River08/20/2024Anatoxin-a<MDL0.010NoNoBoyer ParkSNAKWHIT662_24_197
Whitman35Snake River08/20/2024Microcystin<MDL0.150NoNoBoyer ParkSNAKWHIT662_24_197
Whitman35Snake River11/06/2023Anatoxin-a<MDL0.165NoNoCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_23_438
Whitman35Snake River11/06/2023Microcystin87.8000.150YesNoCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_23_438
Whitman35Snake River10/30/2023Anatoxin-a<MDL0.165NoNoCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_23_416
Whitman35Snake River10/30/2023Microcystin48.5000.150YesNoCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_23_416
Whitman35Snake River10/24/2023Anatoxin-a<MDL0.010NoViewCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_23_401
Whitman35Snake River10/24/2023Microcystin6.7100.150NoViewCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_23_401
Whitman35Snake River10/16/2023Anatoxin-a<MDL0.010NoViewCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_23_372
Whitman35Snake River10/16/2023Microcystin61.4000.150YesViewCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_23_372
Whitman35Snake River10/09/2023Anatoxin-a<MDL0.010NoNoWawawai LandingSNAKWHIT662_23_350
Whitman35Snake River10/09/2023Anatoxin-a<MDL0.010NoNoCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_23_351
Whitman35Snake River10/09/2023Microcystin24.9000.150YesNoCentral FerrySNAKWHIT662_23_351
Whitman35Snake River10/09/2023Microcystin<MDL0.150NoNoWawawai LandingSNAKWHIT662_23_350
Whitman35Snake River10/02/2023Anatoxin-a<MDL0.010NoNo SNAKWHIT662_23_338
Whitman35Snake River10/02/2023Cylindrospermopsin<MDL0.025NoNo SNAKWHIT662_23_338
Whitman35Snake River10/02/2023Microcystin10.0000.150YesNo SNAKWHIT662_23_338
Whitman35Snake River10/02/2023Saxitoxin<MDL0.022NoNo SNAKWHIT662_23_338

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As of 6/26/2018 the format of the toxin and phytoplankton export has changed. A unique identification number has been added to each site.

Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by King County. By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. For questions on the Freshwater Algae Program please contact . For questions on the content or functionality of the site please contact . For information or concerns about a current Algal Bloom please contact your local Health Department.

© 2012 King County